This summer more than 5,000 children in Tupelo and Lee County will be faced with not having enough to eat. The Tupelo/Lee County Hunger Coalition, anchored by United Way and the CREATE Foundation's Tupelo/Lee County affiliate, has a plan to make sure these kids have food during the summer. But we need your help.
We are starting a Summer Backpack Program to provide weekly food boxes for at-risk kids across Tupelo and Lee County. But we have yet to raise enough money to purchase the food we need to prepare the 5,400 boxes we need to serve the children on our list.
Could you make a small gift of $25, $100, or even just $10 to help purchase food for kids like Katie and her brother this summer? Your gift will have double the impact thanks to a generous donor who will match all donations dollar-for-dollar up to $20,000. If you can give today to help kids like Katie make it through the summer with enough to eat, visit to give now with a credit or debit card. You can also send your gift to the CREATE Foundation earmarked for the Hunger Coalition and the Summer Backpack Program.