Easter 2020...So Different

If Mr. Obvious was around, he'd drop a line like, "well, this Easter is going to be different." He would not be wrong. The norm has been children hunting Easter eggs outside and/or families attending church on Easter Sunday. So, the Shelter In Place Order will pretty much prevent some of the usual Easter traditions to happen, at least traditionally. We've hidden Easter eggs inside for years. Especially when there's, oh, rain or frigid cold predicted for Easter. And, with the SIP Order, many churches are broadcasting their services online with Facebook Live, etc. Otherwise, hey, check out streaming services for any Easter specials from "back in the day" that would be a great family watch. Just a web search away I found "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" and "The Easter Bunny Is Coming To Town" in that old stop-motion style. If you need a quick kick-off page, you can visit this Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_set_around_Easter to see a loooong list of films. There are animated films, Biblical films, comedy films and dramas, but prepare to go in with a grain or two of salt. "Rebel Without A Cause" is an Easter film? I never knew. <insert imaginary eye-rolling emoji here>. There is a link for television specials toward the bottom, too. AND...as a final note, before you get to that TV list link, you'll hit the Horror section. Of course, there would have to be an Easter Horror section. Know that I do not intent to infer that any of those are "a great family watch." Sheesh. I sincerely hope you have a nice, safe Easter. And, remember, this will be one you'll look back on as being unique, regardless of how you spend it.

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