To Mask, Or Not To Mask...That Should Not Be The Question

So, here we are. Several businesses starting to re-open under restrictions to keep all of us safer. More people on the streets and entering businesses. Hey, I'm getting a haircut, soon, so I'm pretty thrilled about that. Today, I'm looking through an update, searching for something interesting to share, and I land on this story about a security guard in California that broke his arm during an altercation with a couple of morons who were asked to put on some type of face covering, which, it so happens, is a statewide rule to wear a mask in public. One of the guys punched him, and then the melee ensued. I've seen pics and video of people in other countries wearing masks and thought "wow, what's going on there, I wonder." I guess I finally have an idea.

While I stay out of political rhetoric as much as humanly possible, I note that President Trump said he wasn't going to wear a mask. The Vice-Prez also has gotten a load of flack over not wearing a mask at a hospital, where it's required. Don't get me wrong--I'm not a huge fan of face masks nor do I own stock in a face mask manufacturer, etc...but, I can't help but think, "What's the big freakin' deal?" I mean, I don't get a kick out of wearing a mask, but, we're talking about staying healthy. It might feel uncomfortable, but it feels better than a 103-degree fever...or a non-stop hacking...or the feeling like you're going to drown because your lungs are so filled with fluid. Medical professionals are wearing masks for 8 to 12 or longer shifts. I think I can handle wearing one for a few minutes while I pick up some Buffalitos at Buffalo Wild Wings, or some BBQ from Mike's, or a jumbo cheeseburger from Hardin's Country Store.

"Rick, you big donkey, I don't HAVE a mask!" some might say. Here's a little story to finish out. I had to go to the actual studio to do something that can't be handled from my back porch, where I do my show. Afterwards, I was slated to pick up a small order of groceries that would be ready for pickup after I finished what I had to do. I forgot my mask. I thought, 'eh, I'll be fine." I figure that's what a decent percentage of folks that are dead from COVID--19 complications may have thought. So, I did a quick search for "how to make a face mask" and boom. One YouTube view, and a rewind to view again, and I made a simple mask from a t-shirt out of the prize closet (My apologies to Taylor Swift). With that, I see I've almost made to 500 words, so I leave with this: Please, if you are going to be interacting with other people, for your protection as well as theirs, wear a mask.

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